Pragati 504-957-4166

Pragati Dar specializes in creating oil and charcoal/pencil portraits and oil paintings. All her paintings are done painstakingly the old fashioned way just with a canvas, oil paints and the brush strokes of her hand. Pragati creates portraits through live sittings or photographs. The results are the same! She works with you every step of the way, valuing your feedback, and involving you in the process.
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Amelia Roberts
Portrait of a Babji
Marilyn Monroe’s Portrait
Yoganandaji’s Oil Portrait
A Man’s Portrait

Saatchi Gallery


I credit Pragati Dar Kukreja's oil potraits of my daughters to be the most beautiful life like I have ever seen. She has truly captured the souls of my two daughters. I will always feel deeply indebted.

Jill Roberts,

Marilyn Monroe’s Oil Portrait by Pragati displayed in New Orleans Museum of Art

Marilyn Monroe's oil portrait painted by Pragati was displayed in New Orleans Museum of Art at City Park on 11th May, 2013.

Art Critic Anne Price’s Comment in the Newspaper Advocate

"There are really fine portraits on display including (The Louisiana Girl) by Pragati Kukreja who also shows some excellent charcoal drawings one is just a big smile and the other a great character study. All her work shows imaginations and skills.”